#stdrums 5th UK tour 一覧
- 20161024 Red Lion, Acton Town, London to Tokyo. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/25 20:25
- 20161023 #stdrums in Brick Lane Market. Final night in Old Street, London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/24 10:51
- 20161022 #stdrums in Oxford Circus, Brixton. Shoreditch, London. Thinking about BUSKING. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/23 21:52
- 20161021 Music Video Exchange, Reckless Records, Out on the Floor Records, Camden Lock. Papaya Tree in High Street Kensington, London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/22 16:46
- 20161020 Rat Records, Reckless Records, Music Video Exchange. Wetherspoon, Effra Hall Tavern in Bixton. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/21 20:02
- 20161019 #stdrums in Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, Brixton. Wetherspoon, Troy Bar, Old Street. London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/20 20:25
- 20161018 Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden. #stdrums in Brixton. Wetherspoon, London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/19 19:42
- 20161017 Compose at Old Street. London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/18 18:04
- 20161016 #stdrums in Brick Lane. Session with Sen-SA-ShuN in New Cross Inn. London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/17 20:27
- 20161015 #stdrums in King's Cross St. Pancras, Piccadilly Circus, Brixton. London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/16 17:56
- 20161014 #stdrums in Oxford Circus, Brixton, Covent Garden, London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/15 20:42
- 20161013 #stdrums in China Town. Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus, Brixton, London. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/14 10:49
- 20161012 Tokyo to London. Acton Town, Old Street. #stdrums in Brixton with Javi. [#stdrums 5th UK tour] - 2016/10/13 10:44